
Showing posts from June, 2021

The Wizard's Soul

 Hello Friends, I thought of the idea for how magic works for this world and I really just wanted to write a story just about kind of that idea. I ended up really liking where the story started to go by the end so I was thinking about making some other stories in this same universe. I don't think I'm going to do a sequel per se unless people want one just because I didn't intend for multiple stories with these characters I kinda wanna just make a bunch of one off stories with random people just all low key in the same world, maybe I'll share some side characters or have people react to blowback from other short stories, idk just think it'd be cool to like populate a world like that. Anyway here's the first one. -Arbitrary The Wizard’s Soul It took the boy’s family a while to realize that he was special. For all intents and purposes he was a normal boy. It was only when he started to describe what other people look like that his parents realized the abilities he

The Night Watch - Pride Month Story

The Night Watch Bruno startled me when he sat down, the rocking of the boat had a tendency to put me to sleep. I’d been keeping watch for a couple hours now and I guess my time was up. “Hey I woke up a little early, you want me to take over?” “Oh no that’s alright I’ll do my time if you wanna try and sleep some more,” “Well I’m awake now, no point in wrestling myself to sleep for 20 minutes. I’ll just keep you company.” Bruno relaxed in his seat and got comfortable. He had a way of filling up all  the space he was near, I swear it was suffocating. I stood up and walked around a little to shake off the sleep. “So how’d you draw night duty this time, I swear it’s always us two,” “I- uh I actually volunteered this time…” Bruno’s body seemed to shrink; he brought his hands into his lap and he slouched his shoulders forward.  “What?” I stopped and spun in my tracks. “Are you nuts? This sucks, I hate night duty,” “I don’t know, we spend all day running around working. I kinda

The Dragon Guard - Writing Prompt

Hey everyone, so you read Semantics response to this writing prompt, hopefully. This is my response and I hope you enjoy the differences in our writing styles and how we chose to approach the prompt.  -A  Writing Prompt: You are on the run from a dragon. Not because it wants to kill you, quite the opposite in fact. This dragon hoards powerful adventurers and unfortunately your skills caught its eye. Now it will stop at nothing until you are part of its guild. As I burst through the open sewer drain I couldn’t help but smile. That actually worked! I mean my first time as an adventurer and I robbed a dragon, no way anyone believes me. I pulled my bag in front of me and opened it up to check on my prize, still full to the brim with gold. Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for the paranoia to set in. Megara ran this city, her claws sunk into every separate piece of the local government. I might have gotten out of the castle, but getting away with the money was going to be a separate issu

Graves Locknes and The Mad Queen

Hey everyone! So happy to be posting my first original short story, taken from an awesome writing prompt! I have a ton more work that I can't wait to show to you all, but for now I hope you enjoy this story of mine! Thank you so much for the support! -Semantics Writing Prompt: You are on the run from a dragon. Not because it wants to kill you, quite the opposite in fact. This dragon hoards powerful adventurers and unfortunately your skills caught its eye. Now it will stop at nothing until you are part of its guild. Graves Locknes and The Mad Queen      He couldn’t believe he was in this situation again, it feels like this is the 100th time this decade that he found himself on the run. Luckily, aside from being the most daring adventurer in the land, Graves Locknes was also the fastest runner this side of the Merculian mountains. However, this was no typical foe he was outrunning, Graves found himself fleeing from the most powerful and insatiable dragon in a thousand generations, Qu

Arbitrary's WIP

 Hi Friends, this is my WIP (Work in Progress) it's a novel that I've been working on forever and I decided I'm gonna put it out here chapter by chapter as well as I write it. I'm also going to be working on some short stories while I keep plugging away at this as I try to improve as a writer, so the finished product of the book might actually look nothing like the chapters I release here. Either way I think that could be cool so here you go chapter 1 of my untitled WIP.  - Arbitrary Chapter 1: Napoleon never liked it up this high. The royal training grounds was hidden atop trees in the jungle surrounding the village. Climbing trees had always been easy for him his hands were large and calloused which made gripping the side of tree trunks much easier. Despite this, he always felt at a disadvantage in the trees. He had been training here for as long as he could remember, and he had gotten very good at moving through the branches, but he preferred to keep his feet on th