The Star-Crossed Child

 The tomb shook abruptly, as the small creatures of the cave scurried away, the medical team gathered what was left of their supplies and rushed to the main hall. The shaking continued and the medical team began to hear screaming.

“We must hurry, this mission is extremely time sensitive” the chief medical officer said. “We don’t have a moment to spare.”

“What can we expect to see on this mission?” One of the rookies asked, trying hard to keep up with the rest of the group. The Chief paused for a moment, then glanced back at the rookie.

“I have no idea, we can expect the unknown. This will be unlike any conception we’ve ever seen.”

The rookie began to sweat. “So… that means the rumors are true. This is the birth of the chosen one.”

“Yes.” The chief answered. “Which means this is our one and only chance.”

The team reached the end of the dark tunnel, it opened up into a large room lit by torches. At the center of the room was an angelic woman lying on a large table, breathing heavily. Next to her stood a tall man, he turned to see the medical team arrive and his eyes glowed red with anger.


The medical team immediately stopped out of fear, but the rookie knew they didn’t have time to spare. “Please, we can help her! We have delivered dozens of babies, we have the tools-”

“He’s right.” The chief interrupted, “if you want this process to be over with then we are the only ones that can help.

The man’s eyes stopped glowing red, he approached the group slowly.

“You say you can help,” The man snarled. “But how is it that a flock of humans even found this place, let alone know what is going on here.”

 The group was silent and far too scared to answer. But that one rookie just did not know how to keep his mouth shut.

“Well, that’s obvious. Every human knows about what’s going on here, they may not all admit to believing it but we’ve all heard the rumors. I mean, a Titan and an Angel? Once word of that got out there’s no stopping it from spreading!”

“Half Titan.” The man interjected. “I do not share the same motivations as the Titans that enslaved your kind. I have no ill-will towards you.” He stepped even closer until he was facing the rookie directly. “I am Masijon, and do not wish for any conflict, I want only what will keep my beloved Naribd safe.”

“We know who you are, you’re a legend! The only Titan to leave the empire, every human in the realm knows your name.”

“I told you, I am a half Titan.”

“Right, sorry about that! My name is Asch, this is my troupe, and-”

The chief put his hand over Asch’s mouth, whispering into his ear “I thought I told you to speak as little as possible when we see him.”

He let go of Asch’s face and looked dead into Masijon’s eyes. “I am Abraheem, the leader of this group. We came here because we have experience in delivering babes, and we know this angel is due soon.”

Masijon looked at Abraheem with his glowing red eyes, clearly debating whether or not he should trust them.

“How did you find out about this place?” Masijon asked, keeping consistent eye contact.

Abraheem took a deep breath, knowing he had to answer very carefully. “We trusted a rumor that you would be somewhere in the caves, we followed it until we reached this secret set of tunnels. If I’m being honest I don’t entirely know how we ended up here specifically. But all that matters now is that we are here and we can help.”

Masijon contemplated this for a moment. He scanned the faces of each human.

“I know the outcome of this birth can mean quite a lot for you humans. I cannot put the life of my love and the birth of my kin in the hands of a species with an agenda. I believe that you can help, but I want to know how you intend to help.”

Abraheem was relieved that the half-Titan began to trust them. That was the most important part of the mission. Abraheem had studied the ancient prophecies and texts for years, and it was finally coming to fruition. They live in a world where the human race is treated like insects compared to the Titans. Titans rule the Earth and simply let humans exist, and even human scholars have very little understanding of their origin. All that is known by them is the Titans have been around much longer, and for the entirety of their existence they have been fighting the Angels.

To humans, Angels are almost a myth. They do not come around Earth often and if a human is ever caught speaking about them, they are punished. The only reason why people still talk about Angels today, despite the consequences, is because of their profound beauty. Angels are the most beautiful creatures in the galaxy, just one look at them and you will feel the urge to worship them forever more. Some humans who have seen Angels nearly go crazy, knowing they will never see such a sight again.

This is why Abraheem is truly here, to undo the status quo and relinquish control to the Angels. The prophecy that he has been studying for years depicts that a child will be born both Titan and Angel, and this child will have the strength to turn the tides. The condition of the baby’s birth will determine which side will be victorious. If it is born in the Spring, it will fall under the Titan’s season and they will have access to the power. However, if it is born in the Summer, the season of Angelic Light, then the power will be granted to the Angels. With this power, the Angels will be able to defeat the Titans and claim rule over Earth.

After all this time, Abraheem finally made it here. The most important place in the world on the day before the season shifts from Spring to Summer. Abraheem knew his mission, to delay the birth until after midnight, but he knew that Masijon would be onto him if he showed any signs of bias. He cleared his throat, and began to answer Masijon’s question.

“We are going to help by-”

“Not you.” Masijon interrupted, as he pointed at Asch. “Him.”

Abraheem’s eyes widened, he did not want to give Asch the chance to speak again. But he had no choice. He let Asch answer.

“We are here to help in any way we can. This is a complicated birth so we know it may take a while, and we’ll be here the whole time.”

“What if it doesn’t take a while?” Masijon responded. “What if the baby comes right now, would you still help?”

“Of course.” Asch said, slightly confused. “We will do our best regardless of when the baby comes.”

Masijon turned to one of the other members of the group and pointed at him. “ Now you, say the exact same thing.”

The man nervously pointed at himself, frightfully confirming that he was the one called upon. He began to recite what Asch had just said, but when he got to the last sentence he started to choke. Abraheem looked away, while the rest of the group watched in horror. The man tried desperately to spit out the last sentence, but the harder he tried, the more red Masijon’s eyes got. Before he could complete the sentence, the man’s skin started to boil and he fell to the ground, dying a few seconds later.

“Now you see what happens when humans lie in front of me.” Masijon turned his direction to Abraheem. “Perhaps you would like to try repeating it this time?”

The group cowered in fear, all except Asch. He seemed to be the only one in the group with pure intentions, and while this was probably the most frightening moment of his life, he couldn’t help but notice how much pain the Angel seemed to be in. 

“Look, I don’t know about the rest of them, but I don’t care about whatever it is you’re talking about. All I know is I came here to deliver a baby, and she looks like she could use some assistance.” Asch said as he pointed at the Angel. 

Masijon looked back at his love, saw the pain in her eyes, and gestured for Asche to help her. He turned back towards Abraheem and continued to stare him down. The rest of the group resumed to cower, but Abraheem was calm and collected. 

“I am sorry we were dishonest about our motivations.” Abraheem said softly, “We simply want to survive.”

“Survive? Tracking and pissing off a half Titan is not the best way to survive.” Masijon responded.

“Not my own survival. The survival of my people, we are slowly going extinct thanks to your kind. They have no mercy, and would sooner extinguish us than respect us. If this baby is born today, there is no hope for my people.”

“If you are willing to sacrifice a mere babe then your people don’t deserve any hope.”

Abraheem was shocked to hear this coming from someone whose father is undoubtedly responsible for the deaths of multiple children throughout generations. 

“You have no idea what you are saying! We would never sacrifice a child, we are not like your kind. We merely want to push the date back one day, this will make all the difference in the world.”

Majison’s eyes grew redder as he got angrier. “That one day will make more of a difference for my child than your entire species! You humans live short, insignificant lives. Titans live for thousands of years, and Angels usually live even longer. My child will have responsibility thrust upon them as soon as they are born. If it weren’t hard enough trying to hide this from the Angels and Titans that want the power for themselves, now I have to be vigilant of a lesser species trying to interfere.”

“Regardless, the baby will either be born in the Spring or in the Summer. Their birth will bring absolute power to one of the two sides as the prophecy predicts, you cannot just ignore the choice in front of you.” Abraheem tried to reason with him but was very cautious to stay completely honest when speaking.

Masijon stood silent for a moment. “I did not want it to be my choice to make, I wanted to let it naturally happen. Now it is down to the wire.” He turned back to look at his true love, who was in the helpful hands of Asche. “What do you know of the prophecy, human?”

“I’ve spent my whole life studying it. Granted, many of the texts on the prophecy have been destroyed or damaged over the years, so human knowledge of it is limited. What I do know is that this prophecy will end the war between Angels and Titans. A baby will be born of both sides, and whichever season hosts the birth of this child will grant immense power to the side that favors the season. Meaning if the baby were born in Spring, Titans would grow stronger, and vice versa.”

“Do you know how the power will be granted to them?” Masijon asked.

Abraheem paused; he, in fact, did not know. He always assumed that once the baby was born, either the Angels or the Titans would just feel their power grow. He did not want to sound witless, but at the same time he didn’t want his skin to burn off, so Abraheem answered honestly.

“No, as I said our information was rather limite-”

“They abduct the child, raise it to be the strongest among them, and then drain it of all that power.”

Abraheem’s eyes widened. “So, the day your child is born will dictate which side they join? Then why would you even risk the Titans succeeding, they are cruel beings that would show no mercy on the babe. Whereas the Angels are kind and beautiful, how can you not want them to take the child?”

“I do not want anyone to take my child!” Majison yelled. “Both sides would do anything to fulfill the prophecy, even if it means they have to bleed a newborn dry and murder the parents.” His eyes faded to a light scarlet red. “The prophecy states that as soon as the baby passes through the womb, its power will be traceable to whichever side hosts the season. So no matter what I do, they will be able to find us, and even the combined power of Naribd and myself would not hold a candle to them.”

“Would the Angels really do that? They look so kind and benevolent.” One of the other team members chimed in.

“Humans have seen very little of the Angels, correct?” Majison asked.

“Yes, some claim to have seen them, but we know nothing of their world.” Abraheem responded.

“I do not know much about their way of life either, I just know one thing.” He turned back at the love of his life. “Naribd is the most loving and affectionate being to ever grace this galaxy. She would go through a lifetime of torment if it could protect her loved ones. She values every life as if it is her own. But when I asked her, she said she would rather the tomb collapse and take her baby’s life than allow the Angels to raise it. Say what you will about the Titans’ cruelty, but the Angels can be just as evil.”

Abraheem was shocked, he never imagined the Angels to be anything less than perfect. But for them to be as evil as the Titans was just not possible. He realized this situation was a lot more complicated than he expected, and he felt for Majison. No one should have to contemplate such a horrible future for their child, not even a Titan deserves that.

“You and Naribd are good parents.” Abraheem said softly. “How is it that you two fell in love in the first place?”

Majison smiled. “Now that is an interesting story.” He began to tell the origin of their love when they were quickly interrupted.


Majison turned to see Naribd yelling in pain, he went to comfort her but stopped when he felt Abraheem’s hand on his shoulder.

“Crowding her will do no good, she has a long way to go still. And trust me, although he is new, Asche knows exactly what he is doing.”




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